90’s Trend Re-invented

90’s Trend Re-invented

The 90's. The last decade of the century was in a way uneventful until Y2K came up to scare us for good and the end of the world was right around the corner. But, nope, it did not happen. What did happen was alternative music, Nirvana and STPs. We had OJ simpson and other celebrities popping everywhere doing insane things, but we survived the 90s and the new century was born.

The fashions took an interesting turn for the better since the 80's (we finally steer away from NEON, yes, thank the heavens). We went darker, maybe a bit more depressed than usual, but taking some tips from the 70’s Bohemian stance made things a bit lighter and cute. Hence, the slip dresses with T-Shirts underneath, a great way to look sexy casual and still transition from night to day easily (yes, night-day because mornings after clubbing is a thing)

Almost 30 years later we have seen the slip dresses reborn maybe twice or three times, without making an impact at all. Until now, where we are adding some interesting touches to the style.

Rushing, asymmetry, backless, and now the latest; built-in t-shirts, so you don’t have to scramble up and find that perfect tee to wear underneath.

All the styles above are found in Closetblues (buy now, and you can thank me later) We make it easier for you to wear the latest trends without having to look too hard for them.

Backless Slip Dress with scrunchy strings

Backless Slips.  and scrunchies.

Polka Dot Slip Slit Dress

 Polka Dot Slip

Scrunchy Ruched / T-Shirt Spaghetti Strap Ruched Dress

Ruched Slip with Build in T-Shirt

Also, if you want original 90s…we have those too. Check out the original slips as well. Because vintage is a trending fashion that last forever.